2020-05-28 13:19:11 +02:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the NelmioApiDocBundle package .
* ( c ) Nelmio
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\OpenApiPhp ;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\Model as ModelAnnotation ;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Model\Model ;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Model\ModelRegistry ;
use OpenApi\Analysis ;
use OpenApi\Annotations as OA ;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type ;
* Resolves the path in SwaggerPhp annotation when needed .
* @ internal
final class ModelRegister
/** @var ModelRegistry */
private $modelRegistry ;
/** @var string[] */
private $mediaTypes ;
public function __construct ( ModelRegistry $modelRegistry , array $mediaTypes )
$this -> modelRegistry = $modelRegistry ;
$this -> mediaTypes = $mediaTypes ;
public function __invoke ( Analysis $analysis , array $parentGroups = null )
foreach ( $analysis -> annotations as $annotation ) {
// @Model using the ref field
if ( $annotation instanceof OA\Schema && $annotation -> ref instanceof ModelAnnotation ) {
$model = $annotation -> ref ;
$annotation -> ref = $this -> modelRegistry -> register ( new Model ( $this -> createType ( $model -> type ), $this -> getGroups ( $model , $parentGroups ), $model -> options ));
// It is no longer an unmerged annotation
$this -> detach ( $model , $annotation , $analysis );
continue ;
// Misusage of ::$ref
if (( $annotation instanceof OA\Response || $annotation instanceof OA\RequestBody ) && $annotation -> ref instanceof ModelAnnotation ) {
2020-08-11 16:44:05 +02:00
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Using @Model inside @%s::$ref is not allowed. You should use ::$ref with @Property, @Parameter, @Schema, @Items but within @Response or @RequestBody you should put @Model directly at the root of the annotation : `@Response(..., @Model(...))`.' , get_class ( $annotation )));
2020-05-28 13:19:11 +02:00
// Implicit usages
// We don't use $ref for @Responses, @RequestBody and @Parameter to respect semantics
// We don't replace these objects with the @Model found (we inject it in a subfield) whereas we do for @Schemas
$model = $this -> getModel ( $annotation ); // We check whether there is a @Model annotation nested
if ( null === $model ) {
continue ;
if ( $annotation instanceof OA\Response || $annotation instanceof OA\RequestBody ) {
$properties = [
'_context' => Util :: createContext ([ 'nested' => $annotation ], $annotation -> _context ),
'ref' => $this -> modelRegistry -> register ( new Model ( $this -> createType ( $model -> type ), $this -> getGroups ( $model , $parentGroups ), $model -> options )),
foreach ( $this -> mediaTypes as $mediaType ) {
$this -> createContentForMediaType ( $mediaType , $properties , $annotation , $analysis );
$this -> detach ( $model , $annotation , $analysis );
continue ;
if ( ! $annotation instanceof OA\Parameter ) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( " @Model annotation can't be nested with an annotation of type @%s. " , get_class ( $annotation )));
if ( $annotation -> schema instanceof OA\Schema && 'array' === $annotation -> schema -> type ) {
$annotationClass = OA\Items :: class ;
} else {
$annotationClass = OA\Schema :: class ;
if ( ! is_string ( $model -> type )) {
// Ignore invalid annotations, they are validated later
continue ;
$annotation -> merge ([ new $annotationClass ([
'ref' => $this -> modelRegistry -> register ( new Model ( $this -> createType ( $model -> type ), $this -> getGroups ( $model , $parentGroups ), $model -> options )),
// It is no longer an unmerged annotation
$this -> detach ( $model , $annotation , $analysis );
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private function getGroups ( ModelAnnotation $model , array $parentGroups = null ) : ? array
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if ( null === $model -> groups ) {
return $parentGroups ;
return array_merge ( $parentGroups ? ? [], $model -> groups );
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private function detach ( ModelAnnotation $model , OA\AbstractAnnotation $annotation , Analysis $analysis ) : void
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foreach ( $annotation -> _unmerged as $key => $unmerged ) {
if ( $unmerged === $model ) {
unset ( $annotation -> _unmerged [ $key ]);
break ;
$analysis -> annotations -> detach ( $model );
private function createType ( string $type ) : Type
if ( '[]' === substr ( $type , - 2 )) {
return new Type ( Type :: BUILTIN_TYPE_ARRAY , false , null , true , null , $this -> createType ( substr ( $type , 0 , - 2 )));
return new Type ( Type :: BUILTIN_TYPE_OBJECT , false , $type );
private function getModel ( OA\AbstractAnnotation $annotation ) : ? ModelAnnotation
foreach ( $annotation -> _unmerged as $unmerged ) {
if ( $unmerged instanceof ModelAnnotation ) {
return $unmerged ;
return null ;
private function createContentForMediaType (
string $type ,
array $properties ,
OA\AbstractAnnotation $annotation ,
Analysis $analysis
) {
switch ( $type ) {
case 'json' :
$modelAnnotation = new OA\JsonContent ( $properties );
break ;
case 'xml' :
$modelAnnotation = new OA\XmlContent ( $properties );
break ;
default :
2020-05-29 18:53:58 +02:00
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( " @Model annotation is not compatible with the media types '%s'. It must be one of 'json' or 'xml'. " , implode ( ',' , $this -> mediaTypes )));
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$annotation -> merge ([ $modelAnnotation ]);
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$analysis -> addAnnotation ( $modelAnnotation , $properties [ '_context' ]);
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