#!/bin/sh echo 'Provisioning Environment with Dovecot and Test Messages' # Install and Configure Dovecot if which dovecot > /dev/null; then echo 'Dovecot is already installed' else echo 'Installing Dovecot' sudo apt-get -qq -y install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d sudo touch /etc/dovecot/local.conf sudo echo 'mail_location = maildir:/home/%u/Maildir' >> /etc/dovecot/local.conf sudo echo 'disable_plaintext_auth = no' >> /etc/dovecot/local.conf sudo echo 'mail_max_userip_connections = 10000' >> /etc/dovecot/local.conf sudo restart dovecot fi # Create "testuser" if getent passwd testuser > /dev/null; then echo 'testuser already exists' else echo 'Creating User "testuser"' sudo useradd testuser -m -s /bin/bash echo "testuser:applesauce"|sudo chpasswd fi # Setup Email /bin/bash /resources/Scripts/ResetMail.sh echo 'Environment has been provisioned'