welcome: "👋 Hello! This bot allows you to conduct Scrum Poker directly in a Telegram chat and pass results to issues tied to a Redmine instance. To start, add the bot to the chat where you want to conduct poker. After this, you can continue with the setup." internal_error: "❌ Internal error, try again later." bot_was_added: "Great, the bot has been added to the chat \"{{.Name}}\". Choose chat members who will participate in the poker." previous: "◀️ Back" next: "Next ▶️" choose_keyboard: "⌨️ Choose a keyboard for poker. There are two types of keyboards available:\n\n• Standard - for regular poker, it uses Fibonacci numbers up to 13;\n• Story Points Poker Keyboard - a keyboard with buttons from 0.5 to 10 with step 0.5." standard_vote_keyboard: "Standard poker keyboard" sp_vote_keyboard: "Story Points poker keyboard" choose_at_least_one: "❌ You must choose at least one participant." ask_for_redmine: "📕 Configure integration with Redmine?" please_send_redmine_url: "Please send the URL of your Redmine instance." please_send_redmine_key: "Please send your API key that will be used by the bot to interact with Redmine. The bot will perform the following actions:\n\n• retrieving task data;\n• writing the result of the poker in the task (if configured in subsequent steps).\n\nThe access key for the API can be found on the left part of the page by [this link](/my/account)." invalid_redmine_credentials: "⚠️ Failed to verify connection with Redmine. Will try setting up again?" redmine_was_connected: "✔️ Great, Redmine is now connected! Now when starting a vote and passing it on to `/poll@vegapokerbot` in the chat, the bot will mention the task theme and generate a link to the task.\n\nThe bot can pass results of the vote directly into custom fields of issues in Redmine. The following data are passed:\n\n• the vote result;\n• the vote result converted to hours (assuming that the vote result is story points, conversion to hours is automatic).\n\nDo you want to send this data to Redmine at the end of the poker?" specify_result_field: "Specify the name of the field where the poker result will be written." should_also_send_hours: "Do you want the poker result to be converted to hours and also sent to Redmine? This is useful if you treat the vote result as story points. In that case the result will be multiplied by 8 before sending it to Redmine. Example: vote result 1.5 means that we will send to Redmine 1.5 * 8 = 12." specify_second_result_field: "Specify the name of the field where the poker result in hours will be writen." setup_done: "✔️ Done, now your chat is connected to the bot!\nUse the command`/poll@vegapokerbot` in the connected chat to start a vote." yes: "✔️ Yes" no: "✖️ No"