wip: chat configuration, removed useless code, now we're processing something
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
type App struct {
Logger *zap.SugaredLogger
Telegram *telego.Bot
BotProfile *telego.User
Config *config.Config
Repositories *db.Repositories
Handlers map[handler.Type]handler.Handler
@ -51,11 +52,15 @@ func (a *App) TG() *telego.Bot {
return a.Telegram
func (a *App) TGProfile() *telego.User {
return a.BotProfile
func (a *App) Conf() *config.Config {
return a.Config
func (a *App) DB() fsmcontract.Repositories {
func (a *App) DB() iface.Repositories {
return &DBWrapper{a.Repositories}
@ -94,6 +99,10 @@ func (a *App) initDB() error {
func (a *App) initTelegram() error {
var err error
a.Telegram, err = telego.NewBot(a.Config.TelegramToken, logger.WrapForTelego(a.Logger, a.Config.Debug))
if err != nil {
return err
a.BotProfile, err = a.Telegram.GetMe()
return err
@ -102,6 +111,7 @@ func (a *App) initHandlers() {
handler.Noop: handler.NewNoopHandler(a.Logger, a.Config.Debug),
handler.Message: handler.NewMessageHandler(a),
handler.ChatMemberUpdated: handler.NewChatMemberUpdatedHandler(a),
handler.CallbackQuery: handler.NewCallbackQueryHandler(a),
@ -109,9 +119,12 @@ func (a *App) handler(update telego.Update) handler.Handler {
if update.Message != nil {
return a.Handlers[handler.Message]
if update.ChatMember != nil {
if update.MyChatMember != nil {
return a.Handlers[handler.ChatMemberUpdated]
if update.CallbackQuery != nil {
return a.Handlers[handler.CallbackQuery]
return a.Handlers[handler.Noop]
@ -2,17 +2,21 @@ package app
import (
type DBWrapper struct {
r *db.Repositories
func (w *DBWrapper) ForUser() fsmcontract.UserRepository {
func (w *DBWrapper) ForUser() iface.UserRepository {
return w.r.User
func (w *DBWrapper) ForChat() fsmcontract.ChatRepository {
func (w *DBWrapper) ForChat() iface.ChatRepository {
return w.r.Chat
func (w *DBWrapper) ForIntegration() iface.IntegrationRepository {
return w.r.Integration
@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ import (
type Repositories struct {
Chat *repository.Chat
User *repository.User
Chat *repository.Chat
User *repository.User
Integration *repository.Integration
func Connect(dsn string) (*gorm.DB, error) {
@ -21,8 +22,9 @@ func Connect(dsn string) (*gorm.DB, error) {
func InitRepositories(db *gorm.DB) *Repositories {
return &Repositories{
Chat: repository.NewChat(db),
User: repository.NewUser(db),
Chat: repository.NewChat(db),
User: repository.NewUser(db),
Integration: repository.NewIntegration(db),
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
telegram_id BIGINT NOT NULL
telegram_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
language VARCHAR(8)
telegram_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
members JSON,
keyboard_type VARCHAR(6),
@ -2,15 +2,14 @@ package model
import (
type Chat struct {
ID uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey; autoIncrement" json:"id"`
TelegramID int64 `gorm:"column:telegram_id; not null" json:"telegramId"`
UserID int64 `gorm:"column:user_id; not null"`
Members ChatMembers `gorm:"column:members; not null" json:"members"`
KeyboardType KeyboardType `gorm:"column:keyboard_type;"`
UserID uint64 `gorm:"column:user_id; not null"`
Integrations []Integration `gorm:"foreignKey:ChatID" json:"integrations"`
@ -18,35 +17,52 @@ func (Chat) TableName() string {
return "chat"
type ChatMembers []int64
type KeyboardType uint8
func (cm *ChatMembers) Scan(value interface{}) error {
const (
StandardKeyboard KeyboardType = iota
var (
lbTypesToIds = map[string]KeyboardType{
"normal": StandardKeyboard,
"sp": StoryPointsKeyboard,
idsToKBTypes = map[KeyboardType]string{
StandardKeyboard: "normal",
StoryPointsKeyboard: "sp",
func (it *KeyboardType) Scan(value interface{}) error {
switch v := value.(type) {
case nil:
*cm = nil
*it = 0 // or whatever default you want to set if the field is null in db
return nil
case KeyboardType:
*it = v
case string:
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), cm); err != nil {
return err
case []byte:
if err := json.Unmarshal(v, cm); err != nil {
return err
// lookup the value from the map and assign it
val, ok := lbTypesToIds[v]
if !ok {
return errors.New("invalid KeyboardType")
*it = val
return errors.New("invalid type")
return nil
func (cm ChatMembers) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if cm == nil {
return "[]", nil
func (it KeyboardType) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
val, ok := idsToKBTypes[it]
if ok {
return val, nil
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(cm)
return string(jsonData), err
return InvalidIntegration, nil
func (ChatMembers) GormDataType() string {
return "json"
func (KeyboardType) GormDataType() string {
return "varchar(6)"
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package model
type User struct {
ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;auto_increment" json:"id"`
TelegramID int64 `gorm:"not null" json:"telegram_id"`
ChatID int64 `gorm:"not null" json:"chat_id"`
Language string `json:"language"`
Chats []Chat `gorm:"foreignKey:UserID" json:"chats"`
@ -22,6 +22,22 @@ func (c *Chat) ByID(id uint64) (*model.Chat, error) {
return &chat, nil
func (c *Chat) ByTelegramID(id int64) (*model.Chat, error) {
var chat model.Chat
if err := c.db.Model(model.Chat{TelegramID: id}).First(&chat).Error; err != nil {
return nil, util.HandleRecordNotFound(err)
return &chat, nil
func (c *Chat) ByTelegramIDWithIntegrations(id int64) (*model.Chat, error) {
var chat model.Chat
if err := c.db.Model(model.Chat{TelegramID: id}).Preload("Integrations").First(&chat).Error; err != nil {
return nil, util.HandleRecordNotFound(err)
return &chat, nil
func (c *Chat) ByIDWithIntegrations(id uint64) (*model.Chat, error) {
var chat model.Chat
if err := c.db.Model(&chat).Preload("Integrations").First(&chat, id).Error; err != nil {
@ -29,3 +45,11 @@ func (c *Chat) ByIDWithIntegrations(id uint64) (*model.Chat, error) {
return &chat, nil
func (c *Chat) Save(chat *model.Chat) error {
return c.db.Model(chat).Save(chat).Error
func (c *Chat) Delete(chat *model.Chat) error {
return c.db.Model(&model.Chat{ID: chat.ID}).Delete(chat).Error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package repository
import (
type Integration struct {
db *gorm.DB
func NewIntegration(db *gorm.DB) *Integration {
return &Integration{db: db}
func (r *Integration) Save(integration *model.Integration) error {
return r.db.Model(integration).Save(integration).Error
func (r *Integration) DeleteForChat(id uint64) error {
return r.db.Where("chat_id = ?", id).Delete(&model.Integration{}).Error
@ -30,6 +30,14 @@ func (u *User) ByTelegramID(id int64) (*model.User, error) {
return &user, nil
func (u *User) ByTelegramIDs(ids []int64) ([]model.User, error) {
var users []model.User
if err := u.db.Model(model.User{}).Where("telegram_id in (?)", ids).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, util.HandleRecordNotFound(err)
return users, nil
func (u *User) ByIDWithChats(id uint64) (*model.User, error) {
var user model.User
if err := u.db.Model(&user).Preload("Chats").First(&user, id).Error; err != nil {
@ -39,5 +47,5 @@ func (u *User) ByIDWithChats(id uint64) (*model.User, error) {
func (u *User) Save(user *model.User) error {
return u.db.Model(&model.User{}).Save(user).Error
return u.db.Model(user).Save(user).Error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package handler
import (
tu "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegoutil"
type CallbackQueryHandler struct {
app iface.App
func NewCallbackQueryHandler(app iface.App) Handler {
return &CallbackQueryHandler{app: app}
func (h *CallbackQueryHandler) Handle(wh telego.Update) error {
cq := wh.CallbackQuery
user, err := h.app.DB().ForUser().ByTelegramID(cq.From.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if user != nil && user.ID > 0 {
return h.handleSetupKey(cq, user)
return errors.New("not implemented yet")
func (h *CallbackQueryHandler) handleSetupKey(cq *telego.CallbackQuery, user *model.User) error {
var pl util.Payload
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(cq.Data), &pl); err != nil {
return err
switch pl.Action {
case util.PayloadActionChooseKeyboard:
return h.handleChooseKeyboard(pl, cq.Message.GetMessageID(), user)
case util.PayloadActionYesNo:
answer := pl.YesNoAnswer()
switch answer.Type {
case util.QuestionTypeRedmine:
return h.handleAnswerRedmine(answer, cq.Message.GetMessageID(), user)
case util.QuestionTypeRedmineHours:
return h.handleAnswerRedmineHours(answer, pl.Chat, cq.Message.GetMessageID(), user)
return nil
return nil
func (h *CallbackQueryHandler) handleChooseKeyboard(pl util.Payload, msgID int, user *model.User) error {
cr := h.app.DB().ForChat()
result := pl.KeyboardChoice()
if pl.User != user.TelegramID {
return nil
chat, err := cr.ByTelegramID(pl.Chat)
if err != nil {
return err
if chat == nil || chat.ID == 0 {
return nil
chat.KeyboardType = result.Type
if err := cr.Save(chat); err != nil {
return err
kbTypeName := "standard_vote_keyboard"
if result.Type == model.StoryPointsKeyboard {
kbTypeName = "sp_vote_keyboard"
loc := h.app.Localizer(user.Language)
_, _ = h.app.TG().EditMessageText(&telego.EditMessageTextParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(user.ChatID),
MessageID: msgID,
Text: loc.Template("chosen_keyboard", map[string]interface{}{"Name": loc.Message(kbTypeName)}),
_, err = h.app.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(user.ChatID),
Text: loc.Message("ask_for_redmine"),
ParseMode: telego.ModeMarkdown,
ReplyMarkup: &telego.InlineKeyboardMarkup{InlineKeyboard: [][]telego.InlineKeyboardButton{
Text: loc.Message("yes"),
CallbackData: util.NewRedmineQuestionPayload(user.TelegramID, chat.TelegramID, true).String(),
Text: loc.Message("no"),
CallbackData: util.NewRedmineQuestionPayload(user.TelegramID, chat.TelegramID, false).String(),
return err
func (h *CallbackQueryHandler) handleAnswerRedmine(answer util.Answer, msgID int, user *model.User) error {
loc := h.app.Localizer(user.Language)
if !answer.Result {
_, _ = h.app.TG().EditMessageText(&telego.EditMessageTextParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(user.ChatID),
MessageID: msgID,
Text: loc.Message("redmine_will_not_be_configured"),
return sendSetupDoneMessage(h.app.TG(), user.ChatID, loc)
// @todo Ask for Redmine URL and proceed with asking for Redmine key in NewMessageHandler. Save both to Integration.
return nil
func (h *CallbackQueryHandler) handleAnswerRedmineHours(answer util.Answer, chatID int64, msgID int, user *model.User) error {
loc := h.app.Localizer(user.Language)
if !answer.Result {
_, _ = h.app.TG().EditMessageText(&telego.EditMessageTextParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(user.ChatID),
MessageID: msgID,
Text: loc.Message("redmine_hours_will_not_be_configured"),
return sendSetupDoneMessage(h.app.TG(), user.ChatID, loc)
cr := h.app.DB().ForChat()
chat, err := cr.ByTelegramIDWithIntegrations(chatID)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, it := range chat.Integrations {
if it.Type == model.RedmineIntegration {
it.Params["save_hours"] = true
if err := h.app.DB().ForIntegration().Save(&it); err != nil {
return err
return sendSetupDoneMessage(h.app.TG(), user.ChatID, loc)
func sendSetupDoneMessage(tg *telego.Bot, chatID int64, loc locale.Localizer) error {
_, err := tg.SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(chatID),
Text: loc.Message("setup_done"),
return err
@ -1,19 +1,202 @@
package handler
import (
tu "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegoutil"
const MaxChatMembers = 32
type ChatMemberUpdatedHandler struct {
app fsmcontract.App
app iface.App
func NewChatMemberUpdatedHandler(app fsmcontract.App) *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler {
func NewChatMemberUpdatedHandler(app iface.App) *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler {
return &ChatMemberUpdatedHandler{app: app}
func (h *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler) Handle(telego.Update) error {
// TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (h *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler) Handle(wh telego.Update) error {
cm := wh.MyChatMember
if !cm.OldChatMember.MemberIsMember() && cm.OldChatMember.MemberUser().ID == h.app.TGProfile().ID &&
cm.NewChatMember.MemberIsMember() && cm.NewChatMember.MemberUser().ID == h.app.TGProfile().ID {
return h.handleAddToChat(wh.MyChatMember.Chat)
if cm.OldChatMember.MemberIsMember() && cm.OldChatMember.MemberUser().ID == h.app.TGProfile().ID &&
!cm.NewChatMember.MemberIsMember() && cm.NewChatMember.MemberUser().ID == h.app.TGProfile().ID {
return h.handleRemoveFromChat(wh.MyChatMember.Chat)
return nil
func (h *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler) handleAddToChat(tgChat telego.Chat) error {
cr := h.app.DB().ForChat()
chat, err := cr.ByTelegramID(tgChat.ID)
if err != nil {
h.sendInternalError(tgChat.ID, nil)
return err
user, err := h.getRegisteredAdmin(tgChat.ID)
if err != nil {
h.sendInternalError(tgChat.ID, nil)
return err
if user == nil || user.ID == 0 {
_, err = h.app.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(tgChat.ID),
Text: h.app.Localizer(language.English.String()).Message("you_should_register_first"),
ParseMode: telego.ModeMarkdown,
return err
loc := h.app.Localizer(user.Language)
totalMembers, err := h.app.TG().GetChatMemberCount(&telego.GetChatMemberCountParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(tgChat.ID),
if err != nil {
h.sendInternalError(tgChat.ID, nil)
return err
if *totalMembers > MaxChatMembers {
_, err = h.app.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(tgChat.ID),
Text: loc.Template("too_many_members_in_the_group", map[string]interface{}{"Limit": MaxChatMembers}),
ParseMode: telego.ModeMarkdown,
return err
if chat == nil || chat.ID == 0 {
chat = &model.Chat{
TelegramID: tgChat.ID,
UserID: user.ID,
err := cr.Save(chat)
if err != nil {
h.sendInternalError(tgChat.ID, loc)
return err
} else {
chat.UserID = user.ID
err := h.app.DB().ForIntegration().DeleteForChat(chat.ID)
if err != nil {
h.sendInternalError(tgChat.ID, loc)
return err
err = cr.Save(chat)
if err != nil {
h.sendInternalError(tgChat.ID, loc)
return err
_, _ = h.app.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(user.ChatID),
Text: loc.Template("bot_was_added", map[string]interface{}{"Name": tgChat.Title}),
ParseMode: telego.ModeMarkdown,
return h.sendKeyboardChooser(tgChat, user, loc)
func (h *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler) handleRemoveFromChat(tgChat telego.Chat) error {
cr := h.app.DB().ForChat()
chat, err := cr.ByTelegramID(tgChat.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if chat != nil && chat.ID > 0 {
user, _ := h.app.DB().ForUser().ByID(chat.UserID)
if user != nil && user.ID > 0 && user.ChatID > 0 {
_, _ = h.app.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(user.ChatID),
Text: h.app.Localizer(user.Language).Template(
"bot_was_removed_from_group", map[string]interface{}{"Name": tgChat.Title}),
return cr.Delete(chat)
return nil
func (h *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler) sendKeyboardChooser(chat telego.Chat, user *model.User, loc locale.Localizer) error {
_, err := h.app.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(user.ChatID),
Text: loc.Template("choose_keyboard", map[string]interface{}{"Name": chat.Title}),
ParseMode: telego.ModeMarkdown,
ReplyMarkup: &telego.InlineKeyboardMarkup{
InlineKeyboard: [][]telego.InlineKeyboardButton{
Text: loc.Message("standard_vote_keyboard"),
CallbackData: util.NewKeyboardChooserPayload(
user.TelegramID, chat.ID, model.StandardKeyboard).String(),
Text: loc.Message("sp_vote_keyboard"),
CallbackData: util.NewKeyboardChooserPayload(
user.TelegramID, chat.ID, model.StoryPointsKeyboard).String(),
return err
func (h *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler) getRegisteredAdmin(chatID int64) (*model.User, error) {
admins, err := h.app.TG().GetChatAdministrators(&telego.GetChatAdministratorsParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(chatID),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
adminIDs := make([]int64, len(admins))
for i, admin := range admins {
adminIDs[i] = admin.MemberUser().ID
dbAdmins, err := h.app.DB().ForUser().ByTelegramIDs(adminIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(dbAdmins) > 0 {
return &dbAdmins[0], nil
return nil, nil
func (h *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler) leaveChat(chatID int64) {
_ = h.app.TG().LeaveChat(&telego.LeaveChatParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(chatID),
func (h *ChatMemberUpdatedHandler) sendInternalError(chatID int64, loc locale.Localizer) {
if loc == nil {
loc = h.app.Localizer(language.English.String())
_, _ = h.app.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(chatID),
Text: loc.Message("internal_error"),
ParseMode: telego.ModeMarkdown,
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package fsmcontract
import "gitea.neur0tx.site/Neur0toxine/vegapokerbot/internal/db/model"
type Repositories interface {
ForUser() UserRepository
ForChat() ChatRepository
type UserRepository interface {
ByTelegramID(id int64) (*model.User, error)
Save(user *model.User) error
type ChatRepository interface{}
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
package fsmcontract
type Machine interface {
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
package fsmcontract
type State interface {
Handle(ctx Context) (State, Context, error)
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package fsmcore
import "sync/atomic"
type AtomicValue[T any] struct {
ptr atomic.Pointer[T]
func NewAtomicValue[T any](val T) *AtomicValue[T] {
value := &AtomicValue[T]{}
return value
func (v *AtomicValue[T]) Load() (result T) {
val := v.ptr.Load()
if val == nil {
return *val
func (v *AtomicValue[T]) Store(value T) {
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
package fsmcore
import (
type (
MachineErrorHandler func(fsmcontract.Machine, fsmcontract.Context, error)
NewContextFunc func() fsmcontract.Context
type Machine struct {
ctx *AtomicValue[fsmcontract.Context]
entryState fsmcontract.State
state *AtomicValue[fsmcontract.State]
newContextFunc NewContextFunc
errHandler MachineErrorHandler
func NewMachine(ctx fsmcontract.Context, entryState fsmcontract.State,
newContextFunc NewContextFunc, errHandler MachineErrorHandler) *Machine {
return &Machine{
ctx: NewAtomicValue[fsmcontract.Context](ctx),
entryState: entryState,
state: NewAtomicValue[fsmcontract.State](entryState),
newContextFunc: newContextFunc,
errHandler: errHandler,
func (m *Machine) Handle() {
ctx := m.ctx.Load()
state := m.state.Load()
next, newCtx, err := state.Handle(ctx)
if err != nil {
if next != state {
func (m *Machine) Reset() {
var ctx fsmcontract.Context
if m.newContextFunc != nil {
ctx = m.newContextFunc()
func (m *Machine) HandleError(err error) {
if m.errHandler != nil {
m.errHandler(m, m.ctx.Load(), err)
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package fsmcore
import "gitea.neur0tx.site/Neur0toxine/vegapokerbot/internal/handler/fsm/fsmcontract"
type HandleFunc func(ctx fsmcontract.Context) (fsmcontract.State, fsmcontract.Context, error)
type State struct {
next HandleFunc
func (s *State) Handle(ctx fsmcontract.Context) (fsmcontract.State, fsmcontract.Context, error) {
return s.next(ctx)
func NewState(next HandleFunc) fsmcontract.State {
return &State{next: next}
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package dto
import (
type Context struct {
Application fsmcontract.App
Update telego.Update
func (c *Context) App() fsmcontract.App {
return c.Application
func (c *Context) Data() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{"update": c.Update}
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
package machine
import (
var (
userMachines = newStore[int64, fsmcontract.Machine]()
pollMachines = newStore[int64, fsmcontract.Machine]()
type store[K comparable, V any] struct {
m map[K]V
l sync.RWMutex
func newStore[K comparable, V any]() *store[K, V] {
return &store[K, V]{m: map[K]V{}}
func (s *store[K, V]) Store(k K, v V) {
defer s.l.Unlock()
s.m[k] = v
func (s *store[K, V]) Load(k K) (v V, ok bool) {
defer s.l.RUnlock()
v, ok = s.m[k]
func ForUser(id int64) fsmcontract.Machine {
val, ok := userMachines.Load(id)
if !ok {
machine := newUserMachine()
userMachines.Store(id, machine)
return machine
return val
func ForPoll(id int64) fsmcontract.Machine {
val, ok := pollMachines.Load(id)
if !ok {
machine := newPollMachine()
pollMachines.Store(id, machine)
return machine
return val
func newUserMachine() fsmcontract.Machine {
// todo implement this
panic("not implemented yet")
func newPollMachine() fsmcontract.Machine {
// todo implement this
panic("not implemented yet")
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ const (
Noop Type = iota
type Handler interface {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package fsmcontract
package iface
import (
@ -7,14 +7,10 @@ import (
type Context interface {
App() App
Data() map[string]interface{}
type App interface {
Log() *zap.SugaredLogger
TG() *telego.Bot
TGProfile() *telego.User
Conf() *config.Config
DB() Repositories
Localizer(string) locale.Localizer
@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
package iface
import (
type Base struct {
App fsmcontract.App
App App
UserID int64
ChatID int64
func NewBase(app fsmcontract.App, userID int64, chatID int64) Base {
func NewBase(app App, userID int64, chatID int64) Base {
return Base{app, userID, chatID}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package iface
type Context interface {
App() App
Data() map[string]interface{}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package iface
import "gitea.neur0tx.site/Neur0toxine/vegapokerbot/internal/db/model"
type Repositories interface {
ForUser() UserRepository
ForChat() ChatRepository
ForIntegration() IntegrationRepository
type UserRepository interface {
ByID(id uint64) (*model.User, error)
ByTelegramID(id int64) (*model.User, error)
ByTelegramIDs(ids []int64) ([]model.User, error)
Save(user *model.User) error
type ChatRepository interface {
ByID(id uint64) (*model.Chat, error)
ByTelegramID(id int64) (*model.Chat, error)
ByTelegramIDWithIntegrations(id int64) (*model.Chat, error)
Save(chat *model.Chat) error
Delete(chat *model.Chat) error
type IntegrationRepository interface {
Save(integration *model.Integration) error
DeleteForChat(id uint64) error
@ -2,34 +2,37 @@ package handler
import (
type MessageHandler struct {
app fsmcontract.App
app iface.App
func NewMessageHandler(app fsmcontract.App) Handler {
func NewMessageHandler(app iface.App) Handler {
return &MessageHandler{app: app}
func (h *MessageHandler) Handle(wh telego.Update) error {
if wh.Message != nil {
if wh.Message.From != nil &&
wh.Message.Chat.Type == telego.ChatTypePrivate &&
util.MatchCommand("start", wh.Message) {
if wh.Message.From != nil &&
wh.Message.Chat.Type == telego.ChatTypePrivate {
if util.MatchCommand("start", wh.Message) {
return wizard.NewRegister(h.app, wh.Message.From.ID, wh.Message.Chat.ID).Handle(wh)
// TODO: Remove debug statement below.
h.app.Log().Debugf("New Message: %s", func(msg *telego.Message) string {
data, _ := json.Marshal(msg)
return string(data)
if util.MatchCommand("help", wh.Message) {
return wizard.NewHelpCommand(h.app, wh.Message.From.ID, wh.Message.Chat.ID).Handle(wh)
return wizard.NewUnknownCommand(h.app, wh.Message.From.ID, wh.Message.Chat.ID).Handle(wh)
// TODO: Remove debug statement below.
h.app.Log().Debugf("New Message: %s", func(msg *telego.Message) string {
data, _ := json.Marshal(msg)
return string(data)
return nil
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
package machine
package store
import (
type MemberVote struct {
Vote float32
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type PollResult struct {
type PollState struct {
Members []dto.Member
Members []util.Member
Votes []MemberVote
Result PollResult
@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
package dto
package util
import (
type PayloadAction uint8
const (
PayloadActionNext = iota
PayloadActionYesNo = iota
type QuestionType uint8
const (
QuestionTypeChatMembers QuestionType = iota
QuestionTypeRedmine = iota
@ -30,11 +27,44 @@ type Payload struct {
Data json.RawMessage `json:"d,omitempty"`
func (p Payload) String() string {
data, _ := json.Marshal(&p)
return string(data)
func (p Payload) Vote() (val Vote) {
if p.Action != PayloadActionVote {
_ = json.Unmarshal(p.Data, &val)
func (p Payload) KeyboardChoice() (val KBChooserData) {
if p.Action != PayloadActionVote {
_ = json.Unmarshal(p.Data, &val)
func (p Payload) YesNoAnswer() (val Answer) {
if p.Action != PayloadActionYesNo {
_ = json.Unmarshal(p.Data, &val)
type Member struct {
ID int64
Name string
type KBChooserData struct {
Type model.KeyboardType `json:"k"`
type Vote struct {
Vote float32 `json:"v"`
@ -44,37 +74,14 @@ type Answer struct {
Result bool `json:"r"`
func NewNextPageMembersPayload(userID, chatID int64) *Payload {
func NewKeyboardChooserPayload(userID, chatID int64, kbType model.KeyboardType) *Payload {
return &Payload{
Action: PayloadActionNext,
Action: PayloadActionChooseKeyboard,
User: userID,
Chat: chatID,
func NewPrevPageMembersPayload(userID, chatID int64) *Payload {
return &Payload{
Action: PayloadActionPrevious,
User: userID,
Chat: chatID,
func NewAddMemberPayload(userID, chatID, memberID int64, memberName string) *Payload {
return &Payload{
Action: PayloadActionAddMember,
User: userID,
Chat: chatID,
Data: marshal(Member{ID: memberID, Name: memberName}),
func NewRemoveMemberPayload(userID, chatID, memberID int64, memberName string) *Payload {
return &Payload{
Action: PayloadActionRemoveMember,
User: userID,
Chat: chatID,
Data: marshal(Member{ID: memberID, Name: memberName}),
Data: marshal(KBChooserData{
Type: kbType,
@ -86,15 +93,6 @@ func NewVotePayload(chatID int64, vote float32) *Payload {
func NewConfirmMembersPayload(userID int64, chatID int64) *Payload {
return &Payload{
Action: PayloadActionYesNo,
User: userID,
Chat: chatID,
Data: marshal(Answer{Type: QuestionTypeChatMembers, Result: true}),
func NewRedmineQuestionPayload(userID int64, chatID int64, isYes bool) *Payload {
return &Payload{
Action: PayloadActionYesNo,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package wizard
import (
tu "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegoutil"
type HelpCommand struct {
func NewHelpCommand(app iface.App, userID, chatID int64) *HelpCommand {
return &HelpCommand{*NewUnknownCommand(app, userID, chatID)}
func (h *HelpCommand) Handle(wh telego.Update) error {
_, err := h.App.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(wh.Message.Chat.ID),
Text: h.loc(wh.Message.From.LanguageCode).Message("help_output"),
ParseMode: telego.ModeMarkdown,
return err
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package wizard
import (
tu "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegoutil"
@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ type Register struct {
func NewRegister(app fsmcontract.App, userID, chatID int64) *Register {
func NewRegister(app iface.App, userID, chatID int64) *Register {
return &Register{iface.NewBase(app, userID, chatID)}
@ -25,6 +24,18 @@ func (h *Register) Handle(wh telego.Update) error {
if user != nil && user.ID > 0 {
var shouldUpdate bool
if user.ChatID != wh.Message.Chat.ID {
user.ChatID = wh.Message.Chat.ID
shouldUpdate = true
if user.Language != wh.Message.From.LanguageCode {
user.Language = wh.Message.From.LanguageCode
shouldUpdate = true
if shouldUpdate {
_ = userRepo.Save(user)
_, err := h.App.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(wh.Message.Chat.ID),
Text: loc.Message("welcome"),
@ -35,6 +46,8 @@ func (h *Register) Handle(wh telego.Update) error {
err = userRepo.Save(&model.User{
TelegramID: wh.Message.From.ID,
ChatID: wh.Message.Chat.ID,
Language: wh.Message.From.LanguageCode,
if err != nil {
_, _ = h.App.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package wizard
import (
tu "github.com/mymmrac/telego/telegoutil"
type UnknownCommand struct {
func NewUnknownCommand(app iface.App, userID, chatID int64) *UnknownCommand {
return &UnknownCommand{iface.NewBase(app, userID, chatID)}
func (h *UnknownCommand) Handle(wh telego.Update) error {
_, err := h.App.TG().SendMessage(&telego.SendMessageParams{
ChatID: tu.ID(wh.Message.Chat.ID),
Text: h.loc(wh.Message.From.LanguageCode).Message("unknown_command"),
ParseMode: telego.ModeMarkdown,
return err
func (h *UnknownCommand) loc(loc string) locale.Localizer {
loc = strings.ToLower(loc)
if len(loc) > 2 {
loc = loc[:2]
if loc != "en" && loc != "ru" {
return h.App.Localizer(language.English.String())
return h.App.Localizer(loc)
@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
welcome: "👋 Hello! This bot allows you to conduct Scrum Poker directly in a Telegram chat and pass results to issues tied to a Redmine instance. To start, add the bot to the chat where you want to conduct poker. After this, you can continue with the setup."
you_should_register_first: "You must register in the @vegapokerbot first before adding bot to the group."
too_many_members_in_the_group: "Bot doesn't support groups with more than {{.Limit}} members."
internal_error: "❌ Internal error, try again later."
bot_was_added: "Great, the bot has been added to the chat \"{{.Name}}\". Choose chat members who will participate in the poker."
previous: "◀️ Back"
next: "Next ▶️"
choose_keyboard: "⌨️ Choose a keyboard for poker. There are two types of keyboards available:\n\n• Standard - for regular poker, it uses Fibonacci numbers up to 13;\n• Story Points Poker Keyboard - a keyboard with buttons from 0.5 to 10 with step 0.5."
standard_vote_keyboard: "Standard poker keyboard"
sp_vote_keyboard: "Story Points poker keyboard"
bot_was_added: "Great, the bot has been added to the group \"{{.Name}}\"."
choose_keyboard: "⌨️ Choose a keyboard for poker in the {{.Name}} group. There are two types of keyboards available:\n\n• Standard - for regular poker, it uses Fibonacci numbers up to 13;\n• Story Points Poker Keyboard - a keyboard with buttons from 0.5 to 10 with step 0.5."
standard_vote_keyboard: "⌨️ Standard poker keyboard"
sp_vote_keyboard: "⌨️ Story Points poker keyboard"
bot_was_removed_from_group: "⚠️ Bot was removed from group {{.Name}}. Group parameters have been deleted. You can restore connection with the group by adding the bot to the group and performing initial setup again."
unknown_command: "❔ Unknown command. Please use /help to check the list of available commands."
help_output: "📄 Available commands:\n\n• /start - registers you in the bot;\n• /poll@vegapokerbot <task> - starts the poker in group, works only in the connected groups;\n• /help - prints this message."
choose_at_least_one: "❌ You must choose at least one participant."
ask_for_redmine: "📕 Configure integration with Redmine?"
redmine_will_not_be_configured: "Redmine will not be configured. You won't be able to send poker results to Redmine or load additional task information."
redmine_hours_will_not_be_configured: "Vote results won't be sent to Redmine as hours."
chosen_keyboard: "{{.Name}} has been selected."
please_send_redmine_url: "Please send the URL of your Redmine instance."
please_send_redmine_key: "Please send your API key that will be used by the bot to interact with Redmine. The bot will perform the following actions:\n\n• retrieving task data;\n• writing the result of the poker in the task (if configured in subsequent steps).\n\nThe access key for the API can be found on the left part of the page by [this link](/my/account)."
invalid_redmine_credentials: "⚠️ Failed to verify connection with Redmine. Will try setting up again?"
redmine_was_connected: "✔️ Great, Redmine is now connected! Now when starting a vote and passing it on to `/poll@vegapokerbot` in the chat, the bot will mention the task theme and generate a link to the task.\n\nThe bot can pass results of the vote directly into custom fields of issues in Redmine. The following data are passed:\n\n• the vote result;\n• the vote result converted to hours (assuming that the vote result is story points, conversion to hours is automatic).\n\nDo you want to send this data to Redmine at the end of the poker?"
redmine_was_connected: "✔️ Great, Redmine is now connected! Now when starting a vote and passing it on to /poll@vegapokerbot in the chat, the bot will mention the task theme and generate a link to the task.\n\nThe bot can pass results of the vote directly into custom fields of issues in Redmine. The following data are passed:\n\n• the vote result;\n• the vote result converted to hours (assuming that the vote result is story points, conversion to hours is automatic).\n\nDo you want to send this data to Redmine at the end of the poker?"
specify_result_field: "Specify the name of the field where the poker result will be written."
should_also_send_hours: "Do you want the poker result to be converted to hours and also sent to Redmine? This is useful if you treat the vote result as story points. In that case the result will be multiplied by 8 before sending it to Redmine. Example: vote result 1.5 means that we will send to Redmine 1.5 * 8 = 12."
specify_second_result_field: "Specify the name of the field where the poker result in hours will be writen."
setup_done: "✔️ Done, now your chat is connected to the bot!\nUse the command`/poll@vegapokerbot` in the connected chat to start a vote."
setup_done: "✔️ Done, now your chat is connected to the bot!\nUse the command /poll@vegapokerbot in the connected chat to start a vote."
yes: "✔️ Yes"
no: "✖️ No"
@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
welcome: "👋 Привет! Этот бот позволяет проводить Scrum Poker прямо в чате Telegram и передавать результаты в задачи в привязанном Redmine. Для начала добавьте бота в чат, в котором вы хотите проводить poker. После этого вы сможете продолжить настройку."
you_should_register_first: "Перед добавлением бота в группу необходимо зарегистрироваться в @vegapokerbot."
too_many_members_in_the_group: "Бот не поддерживает группы, в которых количество участников превышает {{.Limit}}."
internal_error: "❌ Внутренняя ошибка, попробуйте попытку позже."
bot_was_added: "Отлично, бот был добавлен в чат \"{{.Name}}\". Выберите участников чата, которые будут участвовать в покере."
previous: "◀️ Назад"
next: "Вперед ▶️"
choose_keyboard: "⌨️ Выберите клавиатуру для голосований в чате. Доступны два вида клавиатуры:\n\n• Стандартная - для обычного покера, использует Фибоначчи до 13;\n• Story Points клавиатура - клавиатура от 0.5 до 10 с шагом 0.5."
standard_vote_keyboard: "Стандартная poker-клавиатура"
sp_vote_keyboard: "Story Points poker-клавиатура"
bot_was_added: "Отлично, бот был добавлен в чат \"{{.Name}}\"."
choose_keyboard: "⌨️ Выберите клавиатуру для голосований в группе {{.Name}}. Доступны два вида клавиатуры:\n\n• Стандартная - для обычного покера, использует Фибоначчи до 13;\n• Story Points клавиатура - клавиатура от 0.5 до 10 с шагом 0.5."
standard_vote_keyboard: "⌨️ Стандартная poker-клавиатура"
sp_vote_keyboard: "⌨️ Story Points poker-клавиатура"
bot_was_removed_from_group: "⚠️ Бот был удален из группы {{.Name}}. Настройки группы были удалены. Для того, чтобы восстановить связь с группой добавьте бота в нее и произведите настройку повторно."
unknown_command: "❔ Неизвестная команда. Используйте /help для вывода списка доступных команд."
help_output: "📄 Доступные команды:\n\n• /start - регистрация в боте;\n• /poll@vegapokerbot <task> - запускает poker в группе, работает только в подключенных группах;\n• /help - выводит эту справку."
choose_at_least_one: "❌ Вы должны выбрать хотя бы одного участника."
ask_for_redmine: "📕 Настроить интеграцию с Redmine?"
redmine_will_not_be_configured: "⚠️ Интеграция с Redmine не будет настроена. Вы не сможете отправлять результаты poker в Redmine или получать информацию о задачах."
chosen_keyboard: "Выбрана {{.Name}}."
please_send_redmine_url: "Пожалуйста, отправьте ссылку на свой инстанс Redmine."
please_send_redmine_key: "Отправьте свой API-ключ, который будет использоваться ботом для взаимодействия с Redmine. Бот будет выполнять следующие действия:\n\n• получение данных задачи;\n• запись результата покера в задачу (если будет настроено в следующих шагах).\n\nКлюч доступа к API можно найти в левой части страницы по [этой ссылке](/my/account)."
invalid_redmine_credentials: "⚠️ Не удалось проверить связь с Redmine. Будете пробовать настроить заново?"
redmine_was_connected: "✔️ Отлично, теперь Redmine подключен! Теперь при начале голосования и передаче в команду `/poll@vegapokerbot` номера задачи бот укажет в сообщении тему задачи и сгенерирует ссылку на задачу.\n\nБот может передавать результаты голосования напрямую в кастомные поля задачи в Redmine. Передаются следующие данные:\n\n• полученная в итоге голосования оценка;\n• конвертированная в часы оценка (если оценка в story points, конвертация в часы автоматическая).\n\nБудете настраивать передачу этих данных?"
redmine_was_connected: "✔️ Отлично, теперь Redmine подключен! Теперь при начале голосования и передаче в команду /poll@vegapokerbot номера задачи бот укажет в сообщении тему задачи и сгенерирует ссылку на задачу.\n\nБот может передавать результаты голосования напрямую в кастомные поля задачи в Redmine. Передаются следующие данные:\n\n• полученная в итоге голосования оценка;\n• конвертированная в часы оценка (если оценка в story points, конвертация в часы автоматическая).\n\nБудете настраивать передачу этих данных?"
specify_result_field: "Укажите название поля, в которое будет передаваться результат оценки."
should_also_send_hours: "Передавать в другое поле сконвертированный в часы результат оценки? Предполагается, что оценка - это story points, поэтому будет передаваться умноженный на 8 результат. Пример: результат голосования 1,5 - в дополнительное поле передастся 1,5 * 8 = 12."
specify_second_result_field: "Укажите название поля, в которое будет передаваться результат оценки в часах."
setup_done: "✔️ Готово, чат подключен к боту!\nИспользуйте команду`/poll@vegapokerbot` в подключенном чате для запуска голосования."
setup_done: "✔️ Готово, чат подключен к боту!\nИспользуйте команду /poll@vegapokerbot в подключенном чате для запуска голосования."
yes: "✔️ Да"
no: "✖️ Нет"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user